反戰/이주노동자… (報告)
페이지 정보
작성자 no chr.! 이름으로 검색 댓글댓글 4건 조회14,593회 작성일2005-03-01 12:31본문
LAST DAYS’ REPORTcolor>size>
First of all: before yesterday’s migrant workers rally/demonstration was organized by KCTU, but in fact nothing was organized. But let’s come later to the issue. Just let’s start with the beginning.
Last Thursday (02.24), like now since 8 weeks every Thursday counter globalization action koreacolor> and their friends held an anti-war protest in front of Kyobo B/D, downtown Seoul, near the US embassy.
Even it was very cold and only few people joined the event, it was just fun for everyone, the activists, audience and by-passers. The rally was opened with a anti-war performance and followed by an open microphone. Later the moderator of the rally read the latest letter from an activist from Baghdad, where he was writing about the current situation there and the hope for freedom and peace in the near future. Some songs were played and finally the audience and by-passers were invited to prepare anti-war facilities. More about the event you can read and see herecolor>.
Last Saturday in Ansan’s an industrial town southwest of Seoul Migrant Worker Center the 5th Migrant Workers Culture Festival was held. Because the strange situation, now nearly every day immigration officers and police are hunting migrant workers there, only few of them were able to join the event but nevertheless the atmosphere was nice and powerful. The following get-together and common meal actually was so good that the reporter’s ride back to Seoul was very late. In fact it was to late, because in Shindorim station the subway service stopped and the way from there to Seodaemun-gu is f… long, especially on feet…
Before yesterday, Sunday, Feb 27, like planned by KCTU, the migrant workers struggle rally and demonstration took the streets of Seoul. But even from the beginning there were several serious problems. For example there were no sound system, no stage on the spot.
Fortunately Peoples Solidarity for Social Progresscolor> was able to bring a loudspeaker car. So, even with delay, the rally could begin. But unfortunately only few migrant workers were able to join the protest, with the same reason like the culture festival in Ansan. And for a protest, organized by the KCTU only few union activists/organized workers participated on the rally. So the majority of the demonstrators were student activists (THANX A LOT FOR ALL, WHO JOINED!!) all together we were less than 250 people. So actually not a real powerful protest was possible (at least 500 riot cops were hanging around there and later many of them followed the demonstration), but that is just the current reality.
Following just some impressions of the last days by pictures.
착취와 억압이 없는 그날을 위해 투쟁
당신이 그걸 원하고 그것을 위해
투쟁한다면 다른 세상은 가능하다! 투쟁!
한국사랑..님의 댓글
한국사랑.. 이름으로 검색 작성일그리고 한국의 중소기업 업체의 고용주들과 외국인노동자간의 임금체불등의 문제는 전적으로 고용주와 고용된 사람간의 문제이다..이러한 문제로 마치 한국이 외국인 노동자들에게 큰빚을 지고 있는것처럼 왜곡되고 있다..고용주와 외국인 노동자들간의 문제는 법대로 하면 될 것이다..제발 부탁이니..종교계등과 시민단체는 외국인노동자들보다(엄연히 그들은 외국인이다..) 한국의 문제에 더 관심을 가져야 마땅하다..아직도 한국은 해외로 입양되는 한국아이들이 많다..아직도 굶주림에 허덕이는 가난한 사람들도 많다..뉴스를 보니 북한 여성들이 중국에 성노예로 팔려가고 있다고 한다..외국인 노동자들은 그들이 스스로 원해서 한국에 온것이지..한국이 와달라고 애기하지 않았다..또한 그들은 외국인이기 때문에 세금한푼 내지 않고 번돈을 자신의 고국으로 송환하고 있다..현실을 냉정히 파악했으면 좋겠다..
노바리님의 댓글
노바리 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 작성일한국인이 아니어서 관심 가질 필요가 없는 거라면... 그런 식이라면... 남 일에 한국사랑 님이 끼어들 틈도, 한국사랑 님 일에 다른 사람이 관심쓸 이유도 없겠어요. 그럼 한국사랑 님이 여기 와서 왈가왈부할 필요도 없어지겠네요. :)
한국사랑..님의 댓글
한국사랑.. 이름으로 검색 작성일누구를 위해 투쟁한다는 것인지..그들은 엄연히 외국인들이다..자신들의 돈만 벌면 그뿐이다..그들이 한국에 세금을 내는가?...
그들보다 훨씬 불쌍한 북한동포,한국의 장애인들,서민들,소년소녀 고아들한테는 왜 관심을 안 갖는 것인지..?